Sunday 9 August 2015

Fried Macaroni

Fried Macaroni

250 gram of macaroni (boiled in water for few minutes)
100 gram of chicken
2 potatoes
1 bottle of tomato pasta sauce
6 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of black pepper (blended)
5 tablespoon of chilli sauce
1/2 onion (cut into small pieces)
2 garlics (cut into small pieces)


1) Boil the chicken. Boil the potatoes. Mix the potatoes and chicken together. Then, mash the potatoes that are mixed with chicken together.
2) Pour few drops of olive oil into the wok. Put the onion and garlics, sauté and stir it until nice fragrance can be smelled.
3) Pour the tomato pasta sauce together with chilli sauce.
4) Put the mixture of potatoes and chicken that were mashed.
5) Put the macaroni
6) Put the salt, black pepper and with a pinch of nutmeg, parsley, rosemary, and thyme.
7) Stir it evenly.
8) After it is cooked, place the fried macaroni on a huge plate or bowl.

Wickramarachchi, A. 2011. Spicy Fried Macaroni. [online image] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 August 2015].

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